You are invited to join for this highly transformational and experiential week to discover, heal, understand, unveil and celebrate your TRUE NATURE as divine human BEING. A loving and caring environment is created by the facilitators and team of helpers for you to open up, to expand and rise into your full potential.

This particular tantric path is inspired by Osho and uses various tantric methods and meditations to support you on the journey form the sexuality to love and spirituality. We use 7-chakra map and human design system to understand, awaken and embody our energy, experience ecstatic, creative life and get empowerment and wisdom through own experience. Tantra is a science of life, which includes sexuality, emotions, all senses, love and consciousness and it is very natural, profound and fast way to come back to our true self.

TThis retreat is suitable for beginners and advanced tantric practitioners, single individuals and couples.

đź’— THIS RETREAT IS FOR YOU if you are interested in:
:: Tantra & Meditation
:: Kundalini awakening
:: Personal growth
:: Recognizing and fulfilling your potential
:: Growing into loving and harmonious relationships
:: Exploring divine Feminine and Masculine
:: Meeting inspiring people from around the world

đź’— In this retreat you will experience tantric practices and individual/partner/group exercises. Those include:
:: Tantric Meditations
:: Tantric Massage
:: Kundalini transmission – Shaktipat
:: Tantric Playshop with the Human Design System
:: Emotional Work
:: Tantric breath
:: Inner Dance Journey
:: Partner and Group Exercises
:: Conscious Communication, Q&A
:: Tantric Sacred Rituals
:: Special Guest Teachers offerings
:: Love Lounge

đź’— You will get connected with the Mother Nature through:
:: Excursions to the stunning Waterfalls
:: Chilling in the Swimming Pool and Love Lounge
:: Relaxing in the magnificent Love Garden
:: Spending some time on the Beach
:: Surprises!

SAMPLE SCHEDULE (may vary on some days)
:: 8:00 – 9:30 am Active Meditation
:: 9.30 – 11.00 am Breakfast
:: 11.00 –1.30 pm Morning Session
:: 1.30 – 3.30 pm Lunch
:: 3:30 – 6.00 pm Afternoon Session
:: 6.00 – 8.00 pm Dinner
:: 8.00 – 9.30 pm Good Night Session

:: March 1st 12.00 pm
:: 3 – 4 sessions per day
:: March 7th 12.00 pm

:: Water Bottle
:: Paper and Pen
:: Comfortable Clothes
:: Swimwear
:: Celebration Outfit
:: Dance Outfit
:: Blindfold
:: 1-2 Sarongs

The luxury resort The Yoga House in Koh Phangan offers a unique space for hosting retreats and special events. With its natural surrounding and intimate setting, The Yoga House is a perfect place for tantric meditations and it is ideal for relaxing, taking time out, and experiencing Koh Phangan’s special vibe.
Although private and secluded The Yoga House is only a few minutes from Koh Phangan’s main beaches, villages and the main town.





You are invited to join for this highly transformational and experiential week to discover, heal, understand, unveil and celebrate your TRUE NATURE as divine human BEING. A loving and caring environment is created by the facilitators and team of helpers for you to open up, to expand and rise into your full potential.

This particular tantric path is inspired by Osho and uses various tantric methods and meditations to support you on the journey form the sexuality to love and spirituality. We use 7-chakra map and human design system to understand, awaken and embody our energy, experience ecstatic, creative life and get empowerment and wisdom through own experience. Tantra is a science of life, which includes sexuality, emotions, all senses, love and consciousness and it is very natural, profound and fast way to come back to our true self.

TThis retreat is suitable for beginners and advanced tantric practitioners, single individuals and couples.

đź’— THIS RETREAT IS FOR YOU if you are interested in:
:: Tantra & Meditation
:: Kundalini awakening
:: Personal growth
:: Recognizing and fulfilling your potential
:: Growing into loving and harmonious relationships
:: Exploring divine Feminine and Masculine
:: Meeting inspiring people from around the world

đź’— In this retreat you will experience tantric practices and individual/partner/group exercises. Those include:
:: Tantric Meditations
:: Tantric Massage
:: Kundalini transmission – Shaktipat
:: Tantric Playshop with the Human Design System
:: Emotional Work
:: Tantric breath
:: Inner Dance Journey
:: Partner and Group Exercises
:: Conscious Communication, Q&A
:: Tantric Sacred Rituals
:: Special Guest Teachers offerings
:: Love Lounge

đź’— You will get connected with the Mother Nature through:
:: Excursions to the stunning Waterfalls
:: Chilling in the Swimming Pool and Love Lounge
:: Relaxing in the magnificent Love Garden
:: Spending some time on the Beach
:: Surprises!

SAMPLE SCHEDULE (may vary on some days)
:: 8:00 – 9:30 am Active Meditation
:: 9.30 – 11.00 am Breakfast
:: 11.00 –1.30 pm Morning Session
:: 1.30 – 3.30 pm Lunch
:: 3:30 – 6.00 pm Afternoon Session
:: 6.00 – 8.00 pm Dinner
:: 8.00 – 9.30 pm Good Night Session

:: March 1st 12.00 pm
:: 3 – 4 sessions per day
:: March 7th 12.00 pm

:: Water Bottle
:: Paper and Pen
:: Comfortable Clothes
:: Swimwear
:: Celebration Outfit
:: Dance Outfit
:: Blindfold
:: 1-2 Sarongs

The luxury resort The Yoga House in Koh Phangan offers a unique space for hosting retreats and special events. With its natural surrounding and intimate setting, The Yoga House is a perfect place for tantric meditations and it is ideal for relaxing, taking time out, and experiencing Koh Phangan’s special vibe.
Although private and secluded The Yoga House is only a few minutes from Koh Phangan’s main beaches, villages and the main town.





seconda edizione dell’
(english version follow, thank to Gonia)

Il “Gathering” è un raduno, persone che si ritrovano per vivere esperienze di condivisione, è una co-creazione tra tutti i partecipanti, è un “Sangha” una comunità di persone e di intenti, significa che esistono “space holders” e non “insegnanti”.
“Gathering” significa che non esiste un “Guru”.

In questa periodo storico stiamo assistendo a profondi mutamenti a tutti i livelli della coscienza. Una delle caratteristiche di questi anni è il formasi di una “coscienza di gruppo”, sempre più, le persone, la società, si ritrova in gruppi di interesse primario e formano una coscienza di gruppo, piuttosto che una coscienza collettiva unica.
Un altro modo per dire questa cosa è la creazione di comunitĂ  di persone sorrette da stessi valori e da uno stile di vita comune, in questo caso anche di un modo di “essere in relazione” comune.

La definizione che piĂą sentiamo affine è che Tantra sta ad indicare “esplorare l’universo attraverso il corpo”, tradizionalmente sta ad inicare una “unione mistica con il divino, una liberazione dalla illusione”.
Sta di fatto che il Tantra oggi è un movimento contemporaneo, diverso rispetto alla sua prima diffusione negli anni ’70, è ora un percorso di crescita che porta luce e consapevolezza nelle relazioni e nell’intimità.

POSSONO PARTECIPARE tutti colore che:
– sono interessati a evolvere personalmente e spiritualmente attraverso le relazioni e la sessualitĂ  consapevole.
– persone nuove all’argomento, cosi come a persone con molta esperienza.
– L’evento è aperto a coppie e single, ed è destinato a tutti i generi, sex positive, gay friendly, queer ecc…

Cosa puoi aspettarti partecipando al gathering?
– imparare nuove prospettive e tecniche legate all’unione tra “spiritualitĂ  e intimità”
– fare esperienza profonda di ciò che sei e del divino
– conoscere persone nuove con la tua stessa mentalitĂ .
– condividere momenti di profonda gioa e vulnerabilitĂ 
– ballare, divertirsi, lasciarsi andare

Questa edizione avremo un ospite internazionale Ela Merom.

IL gathering durerĂ  5 giorni e 4 notti dal 21 al 25 aprile, sarĂ  un esperinza intensa e trasformativa tra il tantra sciamanico, tradizionale e contemporaneo.
Dal 21- al 22 Aprile avremo l’Italia Tantra Gathering con workshops ed eventi e dal 23- al 25 Avremo oltre a diversi workshop anche un lungo Circolo delle Donne e degli Uomini, separati ma contemporanei per entrare in profondità nella propria sessualità, nel maschile e nel femminile sacro. Solo la sera il gruppo si congiungerà per esperienze e attività comuni.


Sound Healing:
Un bagno di suoni, un modo per integrare e permettere al corpo di ricaricarsi attraverso il suono.
Il suono è la vibrazione per definizione, un modo come mettere in azione tutte le nostre cellule pur restando in modalità passiva. Un esempio molto comune del Sound Healing è il bagno di Gong.

Ecstatic dancing:
La danza estatica è una forma molto potente di danza consapevole. Le regole della danza estatica sono poche e chiare:
No alle scarpe ai piedi, no a droga e alcool, no all’uso della parola. l’invito è quello di permettersi esprimere tutto se stesso, lasciarsi andare il più possibile alla musica, praticando un percorso di esplorazione e rilascio al tempo stesso.

Cacao Ceremony:
La Cerimonia del Cacao Crudo è un antichissima cerimonia sciamanica del Sud America.
Il cacao è una medicina secondo questa tradizione e viene usata per curare il cuore ed aprirsi a più amore e abbondanza
La cerimonia di solito viene fatta attraverso la creazione di un intenzione e la danza degli elementi.

Tantric Rituals:
Utilizzeremo delle forme di ritualità provenienti dal Tantra Classico. In particolare queste forme sono molto utili per armonizzare i rapporti maschile, femminile e aiutare le coppie a andare oltre le apparenze fisiche e arrivare ad un elemento del tantra che è la trascendenza / la trasformazione.

I posti sono limitati.
Prenota il tuo posto e approfitta dello sconto “early bird”, i primi 20 iscritti avranno un investimento agevolato.

Agriturismo il Poggiolo, Bologna

Il gathering prevede una spesa iniziale in cui non sono compresi vitto e alloggio i quali saranno saldati al vostro arrivo direttamente all’agriturismo.
L’investimento che chiediamo per partecipare al gathering e vivere un esperienza profonda con voi stessi è di 290 euro per 5 giorni.
Per i primi 20 iscritti il costo è di 250 euro.
Per le coppie sconto del 10%.
Il gathering chiude le iscrizioni il 1 Aprile.

Questa quota è da versarsi sul c/c intestato a asd Ludica Circo IT69X0831559810000000232058, causale “ITG DANZA”.

Dove: Agriturismo il Poggiolo (Bo) . Il vitto e l’alloggio sono di circa 50 euro al giorno da versare direttamente all’agriturismo in contanti il giorno dell’arrivo; i pasti e gli alloggi sono pensati per accompagnare il processo trasformativo che attiveremo insieme. Concedersi questi 5 giorni e lasciarsi cullare da una cucina sana e genuina (vegetariana), senza alcool, e dare valore a questi 5 giorni immersi in un paesaggio completamente naturale è necessario per poter addentrarsi in luoghi profondi e delicati di se stessi in cui procedere con ascolto attraverso le proprie ombre e le proprie sorgenti luminose. Questo è l’investimento che fate verso voi stessi, il “si” a voi stessi e alla vostra profonditĂ , alla vostra sessualitĂ  e alla vita stessa.

Cibo e pernottamento: è previsto cibo prevalentamente vegetariano (e vegano).

Nell’agriturismo c’è posto per 40 persone dopodichè saranno messi a disposizione agriturismi limitrofi raggiungibili anche piedi.
Il costo del vitto (vegetarano e biologico) e alloggio (in appartamenti) ammonta circa a 50 euro al giorno e potrete darli direttamente il giorno del vostro arrivo. L’investimento che fate vi permetterĂ  di nutrire le vostre anime e il vostro corpo, di prendervi il tempo per crescere ed essere trattati con amore e profonda attenzione, di vedere voi stessi e gli altri come la presenza del divino. A volte il denaro può sembrare una barriera, invece in questo caso è un profondo nutrimento e un regalo che porta qualcosa di nuovo ed unico nelle nostre vite.
L’invito è di prenderci cura di noi stessi …

Il programma e gli insegnanti saranno on line alla fine di dicembre.
L’attività sarà al 80% senza nudità: se ci sarà nudità questa verrà “dichiarata anticipatamente” e ci sarà sempre un l’opzione alternativa. Le attività saranno in 2 sale diverse.

Per info e contatti:
[email protected]

Il programma dettagliato su:

I’m inviting you to 2nd edition of ITALIAN TANTRA GATHERING:

The “Gathering” is a gathering, people who find themselves living experiences of sharing.
Is a co-creation among all the participants, is a “Sangha” a community of people and intent, it means that there are “space holders” and not “teachers.”

“Gathering” means that there is no “Guru”.

The gathering will last 5 days and 4 nights from 21st to 25th April, it will be an intense and transformative experience between the shamanic, traditional and contemporary tantra.

From the 21st to the 22nd of April we will have the Italia Tantra Gathering with workshops and events.

From the 23rd to the 25th we will have several workshops also a Circle of Women and Men, separate but contemporary to enter deeply into their sexuality, in the masculine and in the sacred feminine.
Only in the evening the group will come together for common experiences and activities.


In this historical period we are witnessing profound changes at all levels of consciousness.
One of the characteristics of these years is the form of a “group conscience”, more and more, people, society, finds itself in groups of primary interest and form a group consciousness, rather than a single collective consciousness.

Another way to say this is to create communities of people supported by the same values and a common lifestyle, in this case also a way of “being in common”.


The definition that we more closely resemble is that Tantra means “to explore the universe through the body”, traditionally it is to impose a “mystical union with the divine, a liberation from the illusion”.
The fact is that today Tantra is a contemporary movement, different from its first spread in the ’70s, it is now a path of growth that brings light and awareness into relationships and intimacy.


– If you are interested in evolving personally and spiritually through relationships and conscious sexuality.
– If you have lot of experience or you are new to the subjectOur event is open to couples and singles, and is intended for all genres, sex positive, gay friendly, queer etc …

BENEFITS: What can you expect by participating in the gathering?

– learn new perspectives and techniques related to the union between “spirituality and intimacy”
– make a profound experience of what you are and of the Divine
– meet new people with your same mentality
– share moments of profound joy and vulnerability
• dance, have fun, let go . . .

INTERNATIONAL GUEST : This edition we will have an international guest Ela Merom from Israel !

CALL TO ACTION as places are limited. Book your place and take advantage of the “early bird” discount!

LOCATION: Agriturismo il Poggiolo, Bologna

The food and accommodation are about 50 euros per day to be paid directly to the farm in cash on the day of arrival;
The investment you make will allow you to nourish your souls and your body, to take the time to grow and be treated with love and deep attention, to see yourself and others as the presence of the divine.
Sometimes money can seem a barrier, but in this case it is a deep nourishment and a gift that brings something new and unique in our lives.

The invitation is to take care of ourselves …

MEALS AND ACCOMMODATION are designed to accompany the transformative process that we will work together.
Allow yourself these 5 days and be lulled by a healthy and genuine (vegetarian) cuisine, without alcohol, and give value to these 5 days immersed in a completely natural landscape is necessary to penetrate deep and delicate places of themselves in which to proceed with listening through their shadows and their light sources.
This is the investment you make towards yourself, the “yes” to yourself and to your depth, your sexuality and life itself.

In the Farm there is room for 40 people, after which there will be available neighbouring farms that can also be reached by foot.

The gathering includes an initial charge in which food and accommodation are not included and will be paid upon arrival directly to the farm.

The investment we ask for to participate in the gathering and live a deep experience with yourself is 290 euros for 5 days.

For the first 20 members the cost is 250 euros. For couples 10% discount.
The gathering closes the registrations on April 1st.

This fee is to be paid to the to ASD Ludica Circo IT69X0831559810000000232058,
causal “ITG DANZA”.


Sound Healing:

A sound bath, a way to integrate and allow the body to recharge itself through the sound.
Sound is vibration by definition, a way to put all our cells into action while remaining passive.
A very common example of Sound Healing is the Gong bath.

Ecstatic dancing:

Ecstatic dance is a very powerful form of conscious dance. The rules of ecstatic dance are few and clear:
No to shoes, not drugs and alcohol, not to the use of words. the invitation is to allow oneself to express all of itself, to let itself go as far as possible to music, practicing a path of exploration and release at the same time.

Cacao Ceremony:

The Raw Cacao Ceremony is a very ancient shamanic ceremony in South America.
Cocoa is a medicine according to this tradition and is used to treat the heart and open up to more love and abundance
The ceremony is usually done through the creation of an intention and the dance of the elements.

Tantric Rituals:

We will use ritual forms coming from Classical Tantra. In particular, these forms are very useful for harmonising male and female relationships and helping couples to go beyond physical appearances and reach an element of tantra that is transcendence / transformation.


The detailed program and teachers is available on:


The activity will be 80% without nudity: if there will be nudity this will be “declared in advance” and there will always be an alternative option. The activities will be in 2 different rooms.

For more info and contacts:
[email protected]