Entries by Matteo Morozzo

ISTA ITALY Level 1 | September 2-8, 2019

Italian below ☟ Spiritual . . . Sexual . . . Shamanic . . .  each of these three areas alone carry enormous charge for shadow and misuse of power as well as potential for liberation, freedom, love and joy. If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day event is for you. Info: www.istaitaly.com […]


A non dogmatic, deeply experimential and heart based tantra teacher training at Samma Karuna® Awakening & Healing School in Koh Phangan, the second largest spiritual center of South East Asia and one of the most beautiful islands of Thailand. The Tantra TTC program covers an exceptional study of techniques and practices. Mindfulness in Intimacy Energy body […]

La via del Tantra | 5-7 ottobre 2018

Tre giorni di profonda esplorazione del Tantra Contemporaneo come cammino di crescita personale e spirituale. In provincia di Verona, con Matteo Morozzo e Shakti Supriya Ji. Giorno 1. Libertà da se stessi: fare luce sulle ombre Giornata dedicata alla scoperta delle nostre ombre e dei condizionamenti personali, familiari e culturali. Giorno 2. La doppia polarità: […]

ISTA Israel: Fight and Love | September, 13th 2018

The ISTA Festival of Sexuality and the Evolution of Consciousness will take place in Israel September 12-15 , followed by level 1&2 ISTA trainings. A full 4 days by the Dead Sea in a beautiful desert location, Metzoki Dragot, including: • Transformational and Experiential workshops about love, intimacy, sexuality & relationship • International and local […]